Chinese Language Blog

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Confucius says… pt. 3: On studying (子曰) Posted by on Jun 28, 2011

Confucius or 孔子 (Kǒng Zǐ) is China’s most famous philosopher, poet and scholar who lived from  551 BC – 479 BC, and is best known for his writings and teachings on Chinese society, culture and everyday life. His impact on Chinese culture has been so profound that some 2,500 years later his teachings are still well…

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Getting Gramatical: Who, What, When, Where (语法) Posted by on Jun 27, 2011

Many followers of this Blog have requested some basic grammar or 语法 (yǔ fǎ) rules with explanation, so today lets focus on the basics of a sentence: Who (谁 shéi) What (什么 shénme) When (什么时候 shénme shíhou) Where (在哪儿 zàinǎr) Let’s start with a basic sentence in English. Someone asks you what you’ve been up…

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Confucius says… pt. 2: Analects and Golden Rule (子曰) Posted by on Jun 24, 2011

Confucius or 孔子 (Kǒng Zǐ) is China’s most famous philosopher, poet and scholar who lived from  551 BC – 479 BC, and is best known for his writings and teachings on Chinese society, culture and everyday life. His impact on Chinese culture has been so profound that some 2,500 years later his teachings are still well…

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Confucius Says… pt. 1: Analects (子曰) Posted by on Jun 22, 2011

Confucius or 孔子 (Kǒng Zǐ) is China’s most famous philosopher, poet and scholar who lived from  551 BC – 479 BC, best known for his writings and musings on Chinese society and everyday life. His impact on Chinese culture has been so profound that some 2,500 years later his teachings are still well known and…

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The Art of Bargaining (谈判技能) Posted by on Jun 20, 2011

Bargaining or 谈判 (tán pàn), while not very common-place in western society, is a staple of Chinese shopping. While super markets, malls and mega-shopping stores are becoming more common-place in China, street markets, bazaars, expos and old fashion mom and pop stores are still the places to shop when looking for a discounted price or just…

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Dunhuang, Gobi Desert (戈壁滩) Posted by on Jun 10, 2011

The Gobi desert or 戈壁滩 (gēbìtān) is the largest desert in Asia, spanning some 1,600 kilometers across northern China and central Mongolia. Known for its extreme temperatures, blistering winds and historical location along the Silk Road, the Gobi desert is truly a sight to behold. The following photos were taken in and outside of the greater Dunhuang (敦煌) area, including the…

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Photo Gallery: Forbidden Palace (故宫画廊) Posted by on Jun 2, 2011

Youtube slideshow of the Forbidden Palace (故宫):   360 degree view inside the the Forbidden Palace: Thumbnail Gallery:   All photographs are courtesy of Stephen M. Fiedler, twitter: @seeitbelieveit Please contact for any use of these images.

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