Chinese Language Blog

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Green China pt. 8: Transportation (交通工具) Posted by on Nov 30, 2010

China boasts some of the most creative, diverse and downright ridiculous forms of transportation or 交通工具 (jiāotōng gōngjù) that I have ever seen. While I love crashing in hard sleeper trains, getting lightheaded in the back of tuolaji three wheelers (拖拉机), and taking cheap crosstown taxi rides, I am aware of the large amounts of…

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Green China, Pt. 7: Carbon Emissions Trading (碳的排放量交易) Posted by on Nov 28, 2010

During China’s 12th Five-year this summer, heads of state decided upon implementing a Carbon Emissions Trading or 碳的排放量交易 (tàn de pái fàng liáng jiāo yì) program by the year of 2015. This news, following a deadlocked US Energy Reform Plan, means that China is poised to become the industry leader in yet another green industry. Further, China…

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Green China pt. 4: Energy Consumption (能源消耗) Posted by on Nov 22, 2010

Another area where China leads the green charge is in energy consumption or 能源消耗 (néng yuán xiāo hào). While China’s population or 人口 (rén kǒu) on aggregate accounts for China’s status as the worlds largest producer of green house emissions, per capita China is quite efficient at the use and rationing of domestic energy and for…

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Green China, pt. 3: Renewables (可再生能源) Posted by on Nov 17, 2010

Going green is no small task if you want to do it profitably in this specialized, global economy. For nearly a half century, scientists have voiced their concerns of arable land/food shortages, the decline of petroleum and coal reserves and loss of clean water resources (via CO2 green house gas production), but were dismissed as…

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Green China, pt. 2: Gallery Posted by on Nov 12, 2010

In China, you’ll find some of the most pristine and most polluted places on the world. Due to the huge land mass and area of China, it becomes difficult in defining a singular environment. Here’s a compilation of photos taken from all over China during the past 4 years.

Green China, pt. 1: The Rise of the Green Dragon Posted by on Nov 11, 2010

All that "trash" is being recycled by ”green entrepreneurs" who know it will fetch a fair price at market.

While the debate on climate change rages on, and many western nations begin looking toward alternative forms of renewable, green energy, one thing is for sure: China is leading the green charge. You may find it interesting that one of the most polluted countries in the world is also the “greenest” in terms of renewable…

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Inflation and Interest Rates (通货膨胀跟利率) Posted by on Oct 21, 2010

If you’ve been following news out of China recently, issues of inflation or 通货膨胀 (tōng huò péng zhàng), have been making most major media network headlines. Just a few days ago, China’s Central Bank,  in an surprise announcement, decided to raise interest rates or 利率 (lì lǜ) by .25 percentage points in an effort to…

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