Chinese Language Blog

Archive by Author

Part-Time Jobs Posted by on Apr 26, 2009

Some people are really feeling the brunt of the financial crisis, so they’ve decided to 踏实地(diligently) find 兼职工作(part-time jobs), or 打工(work part-time).  One option is to work as a 翻译(translator).  I’m reading several books at the moment, and one that I had been meaning to catch up on is “The World Is Flat.”  One of…

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The Endless Walk for Pizza Posted by on Apr 25, 2009

Yesterday I went with a former co-worker on a search for 比萨 (pizza). According to several 评论 (reviews), this place had the best food in Beijing.  We were told that the location was near an area that’s currently 施工 (under construction).  We walked around the 周围 (perimeter) and couldn’t find a 踪影 (trace) of this…

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Change of Plans Posted by on Apr 24, 2009

So the trip to the shooting range is postponed!  My friend whose birthday it was is unable to go today because his visa is being extended.  I would not say that he 放我的鸽子 (stood me up), because we have merely changed our plans to go to 雍和宫 (the Lama Temple in Beijing).  In other words…

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A shooting range! Posted by on Apr 23, 2009

Tomorrow I am going to a 射击场 (shooting range) with a friend and his friend to celebrate a belated birthday.  We’re going to the international shooting range!  There I hope to 开枪 (shoot guns) with great gusto!  At the range they have 手枪 (pistols), 冲锋枪 (machine guns), and even 猎枪 (shotguns).  I hope to 打中…

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Reading the Weather Posted by on Apr 22, 2009

Today’s weather is pretty noteworthy here in Beijing, as it’s pretty cloudy (unusual for a dry place) and the temperature has dropped from recent comfortable levels. I sent out a request for a weather report using my cellphone (a request for 天气查询) and here’s what I got: [bolding mine] 北京23日白天: 阴天间多云有阵雨。 偏南风2, 3级, 最高15. 夜间阴有阵雨南转北风2,…

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Giving a Talk, pt. 1 Posted by on Apr 20, 2009

Tomorrow night I will be giving a 演讲 (lecture) about how a 官方翻译 (official translator, in this case me) learned Chinese.  I will also 顺便 (passingly) mention where I work to the 观众 (audience) who will primarily be 外商 (foreign businesspeople).  One important thing to remember is to have appropriate 语气 (tone/manner) with 足够的针对性 (sufficient…

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Fun around the office Posted by on Apr 19, 2009

Hello readers! On account of the entries bunching up near 月底 (the end of the month) I quite 遗憾 (regret).  好在 (fortunately) my day job work 负担 (burden) shall become somewhat lighter over the coming days.  The reason for this is that I have hired a 助理 (assistant) who is very much on the ball. …

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