How to Use the Chinese Word for Symptom Posted by Ayana on Jul 6, 2020 in Vocabulary
症状 (zhèng zhuàng) is a noun meaning symptom.
The Chinese dictionary defines it as an abnormal condition (异常状态yì cháng zhuàng tài) indicates disease (疾病jí bìng). For example:
Tóu tòng shì xǔ duō jí bìng de zhèng zhuàng.
Headache is a symptom of many diseases.
Adjectives to describe symptoms include:
For example:
- 流鼻涕是感冒的常见症状。
Liú bí tì shì gǎn mào de cháng jiàn zhèng zhuàng.
Runny nose is a common symptom of cold.
- 疲倦和无力也是贫血的早期临床症状。
Pí juàn hé wú lì yě shì pín xiě de zǎo qí lín chuáng zhèng zhuàng.
Tiredness and weakness are also early clinical symptoms of anemia.
- 咳嗽是肺系疾病的一个主要症状。
Ké sòu shì fèi xì jí bìng de yī gè zhǔ yào zhèng zhuàng.
Cough is a main symptom of lung diseases.
- 少数患者表现不典型症状。
Shǎo shù huàn zhě biǎo xiàn bù diǎn xíng zhèng zhuàng.
A few patients develop atypical symptoms.
Three ways to elaborate symptoms of an illness are:
- The particle 的 (de, indicates possessive case)
- The verb 有 (yǒu, means to have)
- The verb 包括 (bāo kuò, means to include, included)
For example:
- 感冒的症状包括流鼻涕,咽喉痛和打喷嚏。
Gǎn mào de zhèng zhuàng bāo kuò liú bí tì, yān hóu tòng hé dǎ pēn tì.
Symptoms of a cold include runny nose, sore throat, and sneezing.
- 这种病有什么症状?
Zhè zhǒng bìng yǒu shé me zhèng zhuàng?
What are the symptoms of this disease?
- COVID-19的症状包括发烧、咳嗽,呼吸急促。
COVID-19 de zhèng zhuàng bāo kuò fā shāo, ké sòu, hū xī jí cù.
Symptoms of COVID-19 include fever, cough, and shortness of breath.
Verbs relevant to appearing of symptoms are:
For example:
- 反流症状多在餐后出现。
Fǎn liú zhèng zhuàng duō zài cān hòu chū xiàn.
Reflux symptoms often appear after a meal.
- 大多数疾病在对外显露症状之前,都已经长期存在于体内。
Dà duō shù jí bìng zài duì wài xiǎn lù zhèng zhuàng zhī qián, dōu yǐ jīng cháng qí cún
zài yú tǐ nèi.
Most diseases have been long present in the body, before they show symptoms.
- 约半数的患者发生严重症状。
Yuē bàn shǔ de huàn zhě fā shēng yán zhòng zhèng zhuàng.
About half of patients with severe symptoms.
- 这些症状可能会持续两周。
Zhèxiē zhèngzhuàng kěnéng huì chíxù liǎng zhōu.
These symptoms may last two weeks.
- 乳糜泻引起患者产生不适症状。
Rǔ mí xiè yǐn qǐ huàn zhě chǎn shēng bù shì zhèng zhuàng.
Celiac disease causes discomfort symptoms for patients.
- 不用诊断用语,用病人自己描述的症状。
Bù yòng zhěn duàn yòng yǔ, yòng bìng rén zì jǐ miáo shù de zhèng zhuàng.
Don’t use diagnostic terms, use the symptoms described by the patient himself.
When developing symptoms one usually wish to relieve them as much as possible. Two verbs are in common use when talking about reducing symptoms:
For example:
- 吃点富含维C的水果,都能起到缓解感冒症状的作用。
Chī diǎn fù hán wéi C de shuǐ guǒ, dōu néng qǐ dào huǎn jiě gǎn mào zhèng zhuàng
de zuò yòng.
Eating fruits rich in vitamin C can alleviate cold symptoms.
- 口服抗组胺药物通常能够减轻瘙痒症状。
Kǒu fú kàng zǔ àn yào wù tōng cháng néng gòu jiǎn qīng sào yǎng zhèng zhuàng.
Oral antihistamines usually reduce the symptoms of itching.

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