Chinese Language Blog

Pingyao Ancient City – Part Two Posted by on May 5, 2011 in Culture

For our second day in Pingyao, we had a nice balance of learning and fun, thanks to the multitude of museums and temples scattered throughout the city and the various games and shops that surround them. Join me on this video journey to see the City God temple, a Taoist temple the Confucius temple, and the Martial Arts Museum. In between, take pit stops to goof around with street games, munch on delicious local food, and even do some shopping.

城隍庙 - chéng huáng miào
City God Temple

烧香 – shāo xiāng
burn incense

击鼓 – jī gǔ
beat the drum

打钟 – dǎ zhōng
ring the bell

清虚观 – qīng xū guān
Taoist temple

bāo zi, miàn tiáo, hé píng yáo niú ròu
dumplings, noodles, and Ping Yao beef.

wǔ fàn hòu, wǒ men zū le shuāng rén zì xíng chē.
After lunch, we rented a tandem bicycle.

文庙 – wén miào
Confucius temple

努力学习 –  nǔ lì xué xí
study hard

玩游戏 – wán yóu xì
play games

汇武林博物馆 - huì wǔ lín bó wù guǎn
Martial arts museum

武术 – wǔ shù

吹泡泡 – chuī pào pào
blow bubbles

Ào bā mǎ gào su wǒ men, “hǎo hào xué xí, tiān tiān xiàng shàng.”
Obama told us, “good good study, day day up.”

黑胶唱片 – hēi jiāo chàng piàn
vinyl records

鲍勃马利 – Bào bó mǎ lì
Bob Marley

饭店 = fàn diàn

菜单 – cài dān

小朋友 – xiǎo péng yǒu
small friend

你好 – nǐ hǎo

好不好吃? – hǎo bù hào chī?
Is it delicious or not?

好不 – hào chī
it’s delicious

这个是什么?- zhè ge shì shén me?
What is this?

不知道 – bù zhī dào
don’t know

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About the Author: sasha

Sasha is an English teacher, writer, photographer, and videographer from the great state of Michigan. Upon graduating from Michigan State University, he moved to China and spent 5+ years living, working, studying, and traveling there. He also studied Indonesian Language & Culture in Bali for a year. He and his wife run the travel blog Grateful Gypsies, and they're currently trying the digital nomad lifestyle across Latin America.

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