Chinese Language Blog

Tag Archives: backpacking

Zharu Valley Trekking Video Posted by on Oct 25, 2017

Zharu Valley Trekking Video

If you enjoy hiking, camping, and escaping the crowds, trekking in the Zharu Valley of Sichuan is your kind of adventure. Spend a few days following the Tibetan prayer flags and your local guide to the top of a sacred mountain. At over 4,000 meters above sea level, the views are worth the strenuous hike…

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Trekking in the Zharu Valley Posted by on Oct 23, 2017

The stunning landscapes of Jiuzhaigou (九寨沟 – jiǔ zhài gōu) in northern Sichuan province make it one of the best places to visit in China. Unfortunately, thousands of other people have the same idea. If you’re looking to get off the beaten path and explore some of this beautiful corner of China without hordes of matching…

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Southeast Asia Posted by on Apr 9, 2014

Normally it’s pretty easy for me to churn out China and Chinese related content here; after all, I have been calling China my home away from home for over the past five years. However, for the past five months I’ve been traveling non-stop through Southeast Asia. At the moment, I’m celebrating having just finished my…

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3 Years of Blogging Posted by on Jul 14, 2013

It’s been a while since I studied Latin way back in high school, but the phrase “tempus fugit” (time flies) is one I’ll never forget. That’s mostly thanks to the fact that time has just flown by since I made a crazy decision to move to Beijing, China after finishing college. It’s gone by even…

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Which Great Wall is the Greatest? Posted by on Jun 19, 2013

Seeing as how this month has already featured a few posts on the most famous Wall in the world (sorry, Berlin Wall) – the Great Wall Music Festival, how to sleep on the Great Wall, and a video highlight of said overnight camping trip – I figured we’d just keep on going. As I have…

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Great Wall Campout Posted by on Jun 5, 2013

Visitors to China almost always swing through the capital. Beijing is not only a city with thousands of years of history, but it’s also the political and cultural center of China. On the top of most travel itineraries in the “Northern Capital” is a visit to the Great Wall (长城 – cháng chéng). Although you…

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All Things Sichuan Posted by on Mar 31, 2013

Chances are you’ve probably munched on a dish labeled “Szechuan” in a Chinese restaurant at some point. Where does that delicious, spicy chicken come from? Well, it’s from Sichuan province (四川 – sì chuān), located in southwest China. Famous for its mouth-numbing food, cute and cuddly pandas, and stunningly beautiful landscapes, Sichuan is a fascinating…

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