Chinese Language Blog

Tag Archives: Beijing day trips

Escape the Concrete Jungle at Shi Du Posted by on Aug 21, 2013

From the maze of skyscrapers and hazy clouds of pollution that are omnipresent in Beijing city, one merely needs to hop on a public bus (公共汽车 – gōng gòng qì chē) – number 917 to be exact – and ride out of the city 100 km to the southwest to find stunning landscapes and a…

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Beijing Day Trips – Volume 2 – Shi Du (十渡) Posted by on Aug 24, 2011

From the maze of skyscrapers and hazy clouds of pollution that are omnipresent in Beijing city, one merely needs to hop on a public bus (公共汽车 – gōng gòng qì chē) – number 917 to be exact – and ride out of the city 100 km to the southwest to find stunning landscapes and a…

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