Chinese Language Blog

Tag Archives: Beijing parks

Summer Fun in Beijing Parks Posted by on Jul 29, 2020

Summer Fun in Beijing Parks

Summer in Beijing is very fun (北京的夏天很有趣 Běi jīng de xià tiān hěn yǒu qù). Sure it’s a bit hot, but there are plenty of ways to cool down. Plus, if you can’t make it to a body of water, you can always just roll your shirt up over your belly and rock the now…

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A Day in the Park Posted by on Jul 18, 2016

Spending time in local parks is a huge part of Chinese culture. Since most people live stacked on top of one another in massive high-rise apartments, parks are the perfect place to get some fresh air, spend time with family and friends, and have some fun. Summer is in full swing, and parks all across…

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The Temple of Heaven Posted by on Mar 17, 2016

Temple of Heaven

There are many must-see sights in Beijing. One such place is the Temple of Heaven (天坛 – tiān tán), one of China’s most treasured relics. Every itinerary to Beijing includes a stop here. Listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site, it is the most holy of Beijing’s imperial temples. The temple complex consists of 92…

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Top 10 Places in Beijing Posted by on May 25, 2015

Beijing is an enormous metropolis with a history going back thousands of years, and it’s usually the first stop for tourists coming to China. There’s enough to do in and around the city to keep you busy for years; trust me, I spent more than four of them living there. For travelers with only a…

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Chaoyang Park (朝阳公园) Posted by on Sep 12, 2013

There are tons of fun places to hang out in the Chinese capital. In the past, we’ve looked at two such spots – Sanlitun and NLGX. After my recent post about local parks in Beijing, I figured I’d bring back this old video series with a short about Chaoyang Park. With sports, an amusement park…

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Top 10 Places in Beijing – Local Parks Posted by on Sep 6, 2013

We’re counting down the Top 10 places in Beijing here, and today we’re rolling onto #7. In case you’ve missed any of it, here’s a quick recap: 10. Wudaokou – Beijing’s student hangout 9. 798 – trendy art district in the northeast part of the city 8. Gulou – hipster central around the Drum and…

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