Tag Archives: Chinese basketball
Chinese Names for All 30 NBA Teams Posted by sasha on Oct 9, 2017

While China may be known more for kung fu (功夫 – gōng fu) and ping pong (乒乓 – pīng pāng) – both English words that were borrowed from Chinese, by the way – basketball (篮球 – lán qiú) is becoming more and more popular in the Middle Kingdom. Take a walk around any college campus in China, and you’re sure to…
Chinese Basketball (CBA) Posted by sasha on Jan 28, 2013
After Yao Ming (姚明 – yáo míng) joined the NBA, basketball took China by storm. Ping pong tables everywhere were left deserted as millions of Chinese youth instead began opting to lace up their Nikes and hit the basketball court (篮球场 – lán qiú chǎng). These days, basketball is everywhere you look here. The courts are…
Ballin’ – China Style Posted by sasha on Nov 18, 2011
While the billionaire suits and the millionaire players can’t seem to reach an agreement on the other side of the world in the NBA, there will still be basketball this season in China. With an eminent NBA lockout this season, hordes of players have jumped ship to join the CBA (中国男子篮球职业联赛 – zhōng guó nán…