Tag Archives: chow mein
10 Different Types of Chinese Noodles Posted by sasha on Feb 16, 2017

There’s nothing quite like slurping up a big tasty bowl of Chinese noodles (面条 – miàn tiáo). No matter where you are in this massive country, you’re sure to find some form of noodle dish. There’s even an idiom that can be translated as “no satisfaction without noodles” (无面不欢- wú miàn bù huān). To the…
20 Common Chinese Dishes Posted by sasha on Oct 9, 2013
If you’ve ever been in a real Chinese restaurant before (by that I mean one that’s actually in China), I’m sure you know that awkward feeling of not being able to understand anything on the menu. While plenty of restaurants in China fix their menus up with pictures and others translate the names of dishes…