Tag Archives: mandarin
Chinese Vocabulary for Fruit Posted by sasha on Apr 19, 2017

Doing your grocery shopping in China is a lot easier when you can do it in the local language. Brush up on your Chinese vocabulary for fruit in this short video lesson. Learn 30 different Chinese words for fruit and then you’ll be able to do your shopping with no problems!
Chinese Adjectives Posted by sasha on Mar 15, 2017

Learning adjectives is an important aspect of studying any language. After all, you need adjectives to describe people, places, and things. Building up your vocabulary with more and more adjectives will help increase your fluency in no time. A great way to learn adjectives is to learn two opposite words at the same time. We’re…
Chinese Conjunctions Video (Part Two) Posted by sasha on Sep 26, 2016
After mastering the four basic conjunctions covered in Part One, it’s time to practice some more advanced, compound conjunctions. Improve your Chinese fluency by following this video and learning these compound conjunctions. Then, try to make your own examples at home.
Chinese Conjunctions Video (Part One) Posted by sasha on Sep 19, 2016
One good way to start improving your Chinese language skills and become more fluent is to use more complex sentences. Learning some simple conjunctions in Chinese will get you well on your way to doing so. Learn how to use four common Chinese conjunctions in this video, featuring a few examples of each. After watching…
Yes/No Questions in Chinese Posted by sasha on Aug 24, 2016
There are no words in Chinese that directly translate as “yes” or “no.” So, how does one go about asking a yes/no question without either of those words? There are two different ways to ask these kinds of questions in Chinese. Learn them with a few examples as well as how to answer them in…
A Day in the Park Posted by sasha on Jul 18, 2016
Spending time in local parks is a huge part of Chinese culture. Since most people live stacked on top of one another in massive high-rise apartments, parks are the perfect place to get some fresh air, spend time with family and friends, and have some fun. Summer is in full swing, and parks all across…
Location Words in Chinese (Part Two) Posted by sasha on Jun 29, 2016
In case you missed the first post about location words in Chinese, go back and read that before continuing. Hopefully, those of you who did read it also tried the practice. Here are the answers for those before we get started: 1. Where’s my book? On the sofa. 我的书在哪里? 在沙发上 wǒ de shū zài nǎ…