Tag Archives: school subjects in Chinese
Going Back to School in China Posted by sasha on Aug 21, 2019

Summer holiday is almost finished! (暑假快要结束了- shǔ jià kuài yào jié shù le). Can you believe it? I know I can’t. It seems like just yesterday I was writing my post on talking about summer in Chinese with vocabulary words like water park (水上乐园 – shuǐ shàng lè yuán) and beach (海滩 – hǎi tān)…
School Subjects in Chinese Posted by sasha on Sep 7, 2017

A new school year is underway in China, and students all across the country are busy with classes and homework. We’ve already learned a lot of useful Chinese school vocabulary in the last post. Now it’s time to learn about school subjects in Chinese. Vocabulary List Here’s a list of school subjects (学校科目 – xué…