Chinese Language Blog

The PRD Michael Jackson Theory Posted by on Mar 9, 2010 in Culture, Vocabulary

Since moving to South China, I have developed a 理论 (theory) about the presence of 迈克尔杰克逊 (Michael Jackson) music.  Namely- 不管在什么地方 (no matter the place), 不管怎么样 (no matter what), you will be no further than 一公里 (1 kilometer) from a place where you can 听见 (hear) a Michael Jackson song.  This theory is based on previous experiences in Shenzhen, Guangzhou, and Hong Kong.  I find that it may be even less than 1km at times, but a sure way to see evidence in favor of this theory is to walk past a street full of busy 店铺 (shops) around 中午 (noon/noontime).  If it’s not being played over the speakers, it will be coming from someone’s 手机 (cellphone).  What I find most interesting is that I have never been able to trace the source back to a 收音机 (radio), which means that each instance I have encountered so far is either from a cellphone or the internet.

Readers, have you experienced a similar phenomenon anywhere else?

理论 li3lun4 – theory
迈克尔杰克逊 mai4ke4er3 jie2ke4xun4 – Michael Jackson
不管在什么地方 bu4guan3 zai4 shen2me di4fang1 – no matter the place [lit. not matter in what place]
不管怎么样 bu4guan3 zen3me yang4  – no matter what [lit. no matter how/what way]
听见 ting1jian4 – to hear (refers to the act of hearing something)
公里 gong1li3 – kilometer
店铺 dian4pu1 – store(s)
中午 zhong1wu3 – noon/noontime
手机 shou3ji1 – cellphone
收音机 shou1yin1ji1 – radio

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