Every day, from my 公寓 (apartment) looking out at 窗外 (outside the window), I see an egregious violation of 城市规划 (urban planning), particularly in the 交通方面 (traffic area). There is an a place along the road where cars may 掉头 (u-turn), but the allowed turning radius restricts most vehicles’ ability to complete it smoothly, while also 阻挡 (blocking/impeding) the other cars. All the stress of this turning area is due to a 栏子 (fence) which runs nearly the length of the entire street. If someone were to 拿掉 (take away) this fence, then 好几辆车 ([a whole lot of cars]) would not have to wait patiently as a taxi takes 15 seconds to make a u-turn.
公寓 gong1yu4 – apartment
窗外 chuang1wai4 – outside the window
城市 cheng2shi4 – city
规划 gui1hua4 – planning
交通 jiao1tong1 – traffic
方面 fang1mian4 – aspect, part
掉头 diao4tou2 – make a u-turn (while driving)
阻挡 zu2(3)dang3 – block, impede
栏子 lan2zi3 – fence
拿掉 na2diao4 – take away, take out
好几辆 – a lot of [vehicle measure word]
车 che1 – car, truck, vehicle

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