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Archive for 'For Program Managers'

Providing context with image-based activities Posted by on Oct 2, 2020 in For Instructors, For Learners, For Program Managers, Lesson Authoring Tips, New in CL-150 Cohorts, New in Lesson Authoring

CL-150 image activities for LREC

Earlier in 2020, we introduced two image-based learning activities to the CL-150 Platform. Lesson authors can include flat or 360-degree images and label them with relevant vocabulary items or annotations. Our team is including the Image Explorer activities to CL-150 Cohort lessons to provide geographical, cultural, and historical context—here are a few examples you can…

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How to leverage activity-level data in the Learner Activity Report Posted by on Sep 25, 2020 in For Instructors, For Program Managers, New in Admin Reporting, New in Class Reporting

cl-150 reporting for clpms

Don’t wait for the big test to see how a student or sustainer is doing—know before they go. The CL-150 Platform automatically captures learner data including assessment scores and time spent completing assignments. Program managers and instructors can use these data points to identify and mitigate “at risk” students or sustainers, ensuring everyone is on…

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How a DoD language program is maintaining readiness remotely Posted by on Sep 3, 2020 in For Program Managers

cl-150 learning goals

With limited opportunities for annual training and face-to-face mentoring during the pandemic, many DoD language programs are leveraging the CL-150 Platform to ensure their cryptologic linguists can sustain proficiency from anywhere. We talked to the CLPM and mentors from one language program to see how they’re approaching sustainment remotely. To start, the unit’s CLPM is…

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CL-150 Cohort lessons in 15, 30, or 45 minutes Posted by on Aug 19, 2020 in For Instructors, For Learners, For Program Managers, New in CL-150 Cohorts

cl-150 learning activities

When you open a CL-150 Cohort lesson and there are 15+ activities. 👀🤯 CL-150 Cohort lessons are designed to take two or more hours to complete, hence the long activity list! To fight language attrition, many USG language programs require at least two hours of weekly learning time, so a two-hour lesson is a one-stop-shop…

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CL-150 Orientations & Training Materials Posted by on Jul 20, 2020 in For Instructors, For Learners, For Program Managers

cl-150 orientations and training

Ever discover something you didn’t know you could do with a device or an app that you’ve used for a long time? I’ve had lots of those “I didn’t know I could do that!” moments with my iPhone over the years: from stumbling upon a “night shift” mode to spare my eyes from the bright…

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CL-150 Cohort Lesson of the Month – June 2020 Posted by on Jun 30, 2020 in Cohort Lesson of the Month, For Learners, For Program Managers

CL-150 grammar Transform It

Got grammar? CL-150 Cohort lessons now include more grammar practice than ever. This month’s featured Cohort lesson, from the Russian ILR 3 lesson stream, is both a reading and listening lesson, based on an article about the state of Russian politics and an accompanying radio clip from the same journalist: ILR 3, 06/29/20: “United Russia”…

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New CL-150 Grammar Activities: Transform It Posted by on Jun 22, 2020 in For Instructors, For Learners, For Program Managers, New in Lesson Authoring

CL-150 Transform and Write It learning activity

Two new grammar-focused activities are now available in CL-150 Lesson Authoring and upcoming learning materials, including weekly CL-150 Cohort lessons. Two new grammar-focused learning activities—Transform & Say It and Transform & Write It—are now available to all CL-150 lesson authors and will appear in upcoming materials created by our team. These activities challenge learners to…

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