Danish Language Blog

Danish for Saturnians Posted by on Jan 22, 2012 in Vocabulary

In this post, we’ll continue helping our alien friend survive in Denmark… Alien icon


Undskyld…     Excuse me/Sorry…
Jeg forstår ikke.     I don’t understand.
Kan du gentage det?     Can you repeat that (please)?(We don’t really say please in Denmark, preferring to be polite in other ways!)
Du taler for hurtigt!     You speak too fast!
Kan du tale lidt langsommere?     Could you (please) talk a bit slower?
Hvordan siger man alien på dansk?     How do you say ’alien’ in Danish?
Hvad betyder ’brandstation’?     What does brandstation mean? (It means ’fire station’!)
Kan du hjælpe mig?     Can you help me (please)?
Taler du engelsk/tysk?     Do you speak English/German?
Hvad er klokken?     What time is it?
Den er halv tre/tre/kvart over tre/et kvarter i fire/fem minutter i fire.     It’s half past two/three o’clock/a quarter past three/a quarter to four/five minutes to four.
Jeg ved ikke.     I do not know.
Hjælp!     Help!

Getting around

Her, der. Højre, venstre. Oppe, nede. Hjemme, ude. Nord, syd, øst, vest.     Here, there. Right, left. Up, down. At home, abroad. North, South, East, West.
Hvor er jeg?     Where am I?
Jeg er faret vild.     I am lost. – Hvor ligger Valby station?     Where is Valby station?
Hvor langt er der til Istedgade?     How far is it to Istedgade?
Hvordan kommer jeg til Rundetårn?     How do I get to Rundetårn? 
Drej til venstre i lyskrydset.     Turn left at the traffic lights.
Gå over broen.     Walk over the bridge.
Fortsæt ligeud indtil du kommer til parken.     Continue straight ahead until you reach the park.
Undskyld, ved du hvor jeg finder den amerikanske ambassade?     Excuse me, do you know how to find the American Embassy?

Getting provisions

Tager I VISA?     Do you accept VISA?
Hvor ligger den nærmeste bank/hæveautomat?     Where is the nearest bank/ATM?
Hvor meget koster det?     How much is it?
Det bliver 100 kroner.     That’ll be 100 Kroner.
Hvad er det i amerikanske dollar/britiske pund/euro?     What’s that in American Dollars/British Pounds/Euros?
To kilo appelsiner, tak!     Two kilos of oranges, please!
Brød, mælk, smør, ost, juice, kartofler, ris, spaghetti, æg, tomater, kød, fisk. Barberblade, sæbe, shampoo, toiletpapir, hygiejnebind, tamponer, kondomer. Øl, vin, slik, chips, sodavand.     Bread, milk, butter, cheese, juice, potatoes, rice, spaghetti, eggs, tomatoes, meat, fish. Razor blades, soap, shampoo, toilet paper, sanitary napkins, tampons, condoms. Beer, wine, candies, chips, soda/lemonade/pop.

Don’ forget

checking out this Danish text-to-speech engine! Remember to select one of the Danish voices – Mette (female) or Rasmus (male). It’s a great tool for practicing a bit of pronunciation. 😉


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About the Author: Bjørn A. Bojesen

I was born in Denmark, but spent large parts of my childhood and study years in Norway. I later returned to Denmark, where I finished my MA in Scandinavian Studies. Having relatives in Sweden as well, I feel very Scandinavian! I enjoy reading and travelling, and sharing stories with you! You’re always welcome to share your thoughts with me and the other readers.


  1. Mel:

    Haha, it’s great!
    I look forward to your explanation of grovhaandvaerkere og rundstykker in general … ;-)))

    • Bjørn A. Bojesen:

      @Mel Thanks for the tip! Never thought about that, but I’ll definitely have to visit my baker some day… 🙂

  2. Andel:

    This “Danish for Aliens” posts are very useful. Tak!

    • Bjørn A. Bojesen:

      @Andel Hm, there are still more planets, so I’ll think about it… Selv tak! 🙂