Photo by Ralph Daily at Flickr, CC License.
OMG! OK, it’s forkortelse (abbreviation) time. LOL. 🙂 BTW, YOLO, so let’s get down to it:
osv. = og så videre = ”and so further” = etc.: De købte is, chokolade osv. (They bought ice-cream, chokolate etc.)
m.m. = med mere = ”with more”: Der var øl m.m. (There was beer and other stuff.)
m.fl. = med flere = ”with several”: Gæster: Susanne, Lasse m.fl. (Guests: Susanne, Lasse and several others.)
ca. = cirka = approximately: Der kom ca. tyve gæster. (There came approximately twenty guests.)
bl.a. = blandt andet = amongst other [things]: De spillede bl.a. ludo. (Amongst other things, they played ludo.)
kl. = klokken = o’ clock: De tog først hjem kl. 4. (They first went back home at four AM.)
gl. = gammel = old: Søger medarbejder, m/k, 18 år gl. (Seeking employee, m[an or]w[oman], 18 years of age.)
kr. = kroner = Kroner: Lønnen er på 80 kr. (They wage is at 80 Kroner.)
tlf. = telefon = phone: Skriv din tlf. og adr. her: (Write your telephone number and [postal] address here: – adr. is short for adresse.)
hhv. = henholdsvis = respectively: Der er to pauser på hhv. 15 og 35 min. (There are two breaks at 15 and 35 minutes, respectively. – min. is short for minutter.)
m.a.o. = med andre ord = in other words: Det er m.a.o. et stort problem. (In other words, that’s a huge problem.)
p.t. = for tiden (actually short for Latin pro tempore) = presently, at the time being: Der er p.t. ingen enhjørninger i Danmark. (There are presently no unicorns in Denmark.)
fx / f.eks. = for eksempel = for example: De kunne fx bo ude i skoven. (They could live out in the forest, for example.)
dvs. = det vil sige = ”that will say” = that is/that means: Der er plads nok i Danmark, dvs. ude på landet. (There’s plenty of space in Denmark, that is, in the countryside.)
P.S. There are plenty of other forkortelser, fx those dealing with units: 3 stk. til prisen af 1. Brug en halv tsk. peber pr. kg. = 3 stykker til prisen af 1. Brug en halv teskefuld peber per kilo. (3 pieces for the price of 1. Use half a teaspoonful of pepper for each kilo.)