Tag Archives: false friends
Spelling your name in Danish Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on Jul 29, 2017

When you check in at a hostel or meet a new friend, you’re sometimes asked to spell your navn [naoon] (name). Fortunately, the Danish alfabet [alfaBEHT] is quite similar to the English one you already know. In case you forgot bogstaverne (the letters), here’s a crash course. The first pitfall: i and e. (I’ve heard…
False Friends in Danish Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on Oct 31, 2016
I always tell English-speakers that Danish is easy – except the pronunciation. Both English and Danish are Germanic languages, and with Nordsøen as the only natural barrier between England and Denmark, the two languages are much closer to each other than you’d think. Recently, Danish has also ”swallowed” a lot of English words, making the linguistic…