Danish Language Blog

Tag Archives: Mads Mikkelsen

Cheers to the Danish Oscar Posted by on Apr 30, 2021

And the Oscar goes to… For Danes, denne uges store overraskelse (this week’s big surprise) certainly was Oscar-prisen (the Oscar prize) awarded to the Danish film Druk [drawk]. Even though many people had guessed filmen (the film) would win the prize for bedste internationale film, it still felt surreal watching filminstruktøren (the director) Thomas Vinterberg…

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Denmark at the Oscars Posted by on Feb 28, 2013

Did you watch the Oscars last Sunday? This year, many danskere were following the American movie award show with a lot of spænding (excitement). Hvorfor? (Why?) Perhaps you noticed that a Danish film had been nominated in the category ”Best Foreign Language Film”… If you’ve been following this blog, it should be no overraskelse (surprise)…

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The King, the Queen and the Doctor Posted by on May 30, 2012

What do you do when the king supposed to rule the country has gone mad? That question was haunting the court of Christian the 7th. The young king was obsessed by childish fears and lunacies, and displayed anything but a leader’s cool sense of judgement – to the great embarrasment of princess Caroline Mathilde, who…

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