Dari Language Blog

Dari song with Lyrics Posted by on Oct 11, 2011

Let’s try an experiment in using songs to learn Dari.  Here is a Dari song with lyrics depending on your level in Dari, you may have to listen to the song a couple of times. If you are at a lower learning level, you should be able to understand a few words. Songs with Lyrics…

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Afghanistan’s Governance Posted by on Oct 7, 2011

 Afghanistan’s Governance Part one The Afghanistan government’s Organizational Structure and its terminologies translated and transliterated in Dari. Note:  Constant changes are made over time in Afghanistan’s Government ((حکومت افغانستان). Therefore any outdated material should be updated regularly. Afghanistan’s government structure consists of the Council of Ministers (Wazers وزیران ) and the National Assembly (loya Jirga…

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Question Words in Dari Posted by on Sep 21, 2011

Question words are some of the most commonly used words in a language. And this is true with the Dari language too.  The use of the question words in Dari is very simple and by only knowing the question words and the “to be” verbs you can make simple sentences. Here we will teach you…

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The “to be” verbs in Dari Posted by on Sep 1, 2011

  The “to be “verbs are verbs that show state of being, (i.e.  Am, are, and is). In Dari the “to be” verbs are derived from the imaginary infinitive هستن   Hastan.  All different forms of the  “to be” verb have the same stem and only the ending changes, for example هستم  Hastam (I am) and  هستند…

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Your First Words in Dari Posted by on Aug 14, 2011

In order to familiarize you with the Dari sounds and give you some absolutely essential vocabulary for your Dari, we have prepared a list of words that contains the words that you are most likely to use when you arrive in  Afghanistan or communicate in Dari. Sometimes knowing even one word in a language can help…

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Greeting Women in Afghanistan Posted by on Jul 10, 2011

Every culture and society has their own unwritten rules for social behavior and in certain areas there are differences in the rules for men and women. This is also true in Afghanistan. There are different rules for men and women in certain areas of social life. For instance many societies have different way of greeting…

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Dari Alphabet Posted by on Jun 19, 2011

Knowing how to read and write the language you speak makes it more useful, fun and easier to improve.  For instance, if you are in Afghanistan and you know how to read and write Dari, you will be able to find your way around the city easier by reading the signs for directions and instruction…

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