Archive for April, 2017
Book Review: Dear Mr M Posted by Karoly Molina on Apr 28, 2017

I had previously recommended the novel Het Diner by Herman Koch and on this post, I would like to recommend Geachte Heer M by the same author. Geachte Heer M is a combination of stories. First, you are introduced to the story of Mr. M whom the narrator is observing and critically judging. Mr. M is a writer whose moment…
You are cordially invited to celebrate the King’s Birthday Posted by Karoly Molina on Apr 21, 2017

For over 130 years, the Dutch have been happily celebrating Queen’s/King’s Day with big parties, lots of orange and parades. The monarch’s birthday is not only a day to celebrate but also one of the few national holidays the country observes. So what can you do at this year’s Koningsdag? This year, King Willem-Alexander turns 50…
Dutch Pandas and KLM Posted by Karoly Molina on Apr 13, 2017

Last night was a memorable night for KLM and the Dutch as a whole. Two pandas arrived on an inbound flight from China and will be at the Ouwehands Dierenpark in Rhenen. Wu Wen and Xing Ya will be staying in the Netherlands for the next 15 years after a 16-year campaign on behalf of…