Archive for August, 2018
How to navigate a Dutch supermarket Posted by Sten on Aug 31, 2018

Even though you are in a country with a different language, you still need to eat. And preferably have good food. One of the most frustrating experiences can be to walk around in a supermarkt (grocery store; supermarket). Different produkten (products) than you are used to, different merken (brands), ketens (brands) and – of course – a different taal (language). Also in the…
Twitter Accounts to Improve Your Dutch Posted by Karoly Molina on Aug 29, 2018

According to, in 2017, people spent an average of 135 minutes per day on social media like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram. With over 2 billion social media users worldwide, websites like these are not only connecting us to our friends and family but are shaping the way we get news, ads and more…
The Investigation of Nicky Verstappen’s Death Posted by Karoly Molina on Aug 23, 2018

Yesterday morning, Dutch police announced the discovery of the verdachte or prime suspect in Nicky Verstappen’s death. After years of investigation, police finally matched the DNA on the body of Nicky to that of Jos Brech. Although the investigation had recently been mentioned in the news, the crime goes back 10 years which is why it…
Dutch Spelling 1: The Middle Ages Posted by Sten on Aug 20, 2018

The way we write words changes all the time. But it is still important that spelling is laid down somewhere, so that you can always be sure what the correct way of writing is! In this series, we look at how Dutch spelling evolved and how it was codified. Today: Spelling tijdens de Middeleeuwen (spelling in…
TV Shows to Practice your Dutch Posted by Karoly Molina on Aug 15, 2018

TV shows and movies are a great way to practice your language skills. You can go full-monty and watch them in Dutch or use subtitles to help you grasp the whole meaning. Regardless, watching Dutch TV can help you improve your listening skills with different accents and intonations. It can also be a great way…
Book Review: A Letter for the King Posted by Karoly Molina on Aug 8, 2018

We still have a few more weeks of summer and you might be looking for a great Dutch read for your vacation or stay-cation! The latest book I read, The Letter for the King, by Tonke Dragt is an excellent option for these warm summer days. It has everything you might be looking for to keep you…
A Beach Celebrates Itself: Scheveningen is 200 years old! Posted by Sten on Aug 6, 2018

Something special is going on this zomer (summer): It is ongelooflijk heet (incredibly hot)! So everybody wants just one, simple thing: Afkoeling! (cooling down!). The Dutch search it in the cool water of the Noordzee (North Sea), and many at the strand van Scheveningen (beach of Scheveningen). Apart from the heat, something else is special: The Scheveningen beach turned 200 years old in 2018! Sinds 1818…