Archive for December, 2020
This Dutch Invention Revolutionized NYE Posted by Sten on Dec 31, 2020

It’s the last day of the year! On this day, we play games, reminisce about the past year, and have a drink at midnight. Perhaps there are some vuurwerk (fireworks) or you partake in some other tradition, like the German Bleigießen (“lead pouring”). The Dutch have a greasy, sweet tradition that is indispensable – oliebollen (“oil balls”) and appelflappen (“apple flaps”, apple…
Looking Back: The Best Dutch Posts of 2020 Posted by Sten on Dec 28, 2020

2020. This year has been quite a ride. And not necessarily in a good way – for most, the year has left quite a bitter taste, and it can’t end soon enough. But the year was also speckled with highlights, like our blog posts. Today, I bestow upon thee the honor to revisit these nuggets…
The Dutch & Chess – Part 3: Joining a Schaakvereniging Posted by Sten on Dec 14, 2020

With the miniseries The Queen’s Gambit, schaken (to play chess) has received a lot of attention. When I was a kid, I played schaak (chess) competitively with a Dutch schaakvereniging (chess club). I was never that good, let alone at Beth Harmon’s level, but I had my fun and victories. I could really identify with the long and exhausting games…
The Dutch & Chess – Part 2: Chess Vocabulary Posted by Sten on Dec 10, 2020

With the miniseries The Queen’s Gambit, schaken (to play chess) has received a lot of attention. When I was a kid, I played schaak (chess) competitively with a Dutch schaakvereniging (chess club). I was never that good, let alone at Beth Harmon’s level, but I had my fun and victories. I could really identify with the long and exhausting games…
The Dutch & Chess – Part 1: The Dutch Greats Posted by Sten on Dec 7, 2020

With the miniseries The Queen’s Gambit, schaken (to play chess) has received a lot of attention. When I was a kid, I played schaak (chess) competitively with a Dutch schaakvereniging (chess club). I was never that good, let alone at Beth Harmon’s level, but I had my fun and victories. I could really identify with the long and exhausting games…