Dutch Language Blog

Archive by Author

De or Het? Knowing When to Use Which Posted by on Jan 25, 2011

In Dutch there are two definite articles (words that mean ‘the’).  These are de and het.  The article de is for masculine and feminine nouns.  These are also known as common nouns.  The article het is for neuter words. Knowing when a word is common or neuter is one of the challenges in learning Dutch, as…

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Grocery Shopping in the Netherlands: A Blood Sport Posted by on Jan 21, 2011

Yesterday evening, we went grocery shopping. While there are several different shops in our neighbourhood we tend to go to the nearby Albert Heijn because it is easy to get to and we know where everything is within the store, well usually. Grocery shopping, I must admit, is not one of my favourite pastimes in…

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Hoera! Ik Ben Jarig! Posted by on Jan 14, 2011

Wednesday was my birthday. Birthday’s in the Netherlands have always been an interesting phenomenon because of the cultural differences associated with them. Congratulations on the Birthday of Your Mother’s Cousin’s Hairdresser’s Dog When it is your birthday, not only do you get congratulated but everyone associated to you does too. The whole day, whenever…

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How Did You Find That? Posted by on Dec 29, 2010

Today I went out with the intention of taking a photo for a different post but what I wanted wasn’t there, so that will just have to wait until another time! However, when I was returning, I noticed that one of the neighbours had taped something to his garage door. When I got a little…

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Heather Tucker – A New Dutch Blogger at Transparent Language Posted by on Dec 27, 2010

Goede Morgen/Middag/Avond/Nacht (depending on where you are reading this from!), Hello! My name is Heather Tucker and I would like to introduce myself as a new blogger for the Transparent Language – Dutch blog. As of today, I will be joining the team to bring you news and information from the Netherlands and about the…

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