Archive by Author
Taking the Dutch Language Exam Posted by Karoly Molina on Nov 26, 2015
A few weeks ago, I wrote about the requirements for integration for those of us who have migrated to the Netherlands as well as about the difficulties in meeting this requirement. For those of us who are inburgeringsverplicht, one of the ways we can fulfill this requirement is by taking the Staatexamen Nederlands als Tweede Taal NT2. This…
Tragedy in Paris Posted by Karoly Molina on Nov 15, 2015
Friday became to be one of the saddest and most tragic in modern history. As I arrived in Mexico City after a long flight to visit family, I was greeted with terrible news: Paris was under attack. When I first heard it, I thought it was a joke. How could Paris, such a beautiful and…
Was Yesterday the First Monday of the Month? Posted by Karoly Molina on Nov 11, 2015
Everyone who has lived in the Netherlands has heard the loeien of the sirenes the first Monday of the month at exactly 12pm. I remember the first couple of times I heard it, I was very confused. With time, it has becoming part of the noises in the Netherlands, just like bike bells and tram bells. If you hear…
Why is integrating such a problem? Posted by Karoly Molina on Nov 4, 2015
Earlier this year, I wrote about the requirement most immigrants in the Netherlands must go through: inburgering. In summary, those wishing to obtain a Dutch passport must take an integration exam within 3 years of their arrival to the Netherlands which covers topics such as language, history and the work force. An alternative to this is…
Selling Yourself Posted by Karoly Molina on Oct 21, 2015
Every week, we receive the local newspaper filled with articles about local people and events as well as ads for local businesses. One of my favorite sections in this newspaper is the personal ads or advertenties because there is always something funny or interesting to read. To start, the ads are limited in the words they…
So what do we do next summer? Posted by Karoly Molina on Oct 15, 2015
Het Nederlands Elftal had a very tumultuous and, in the end, disappointing journey in order to qualify for the European Cup 2016. After some embarassing defeats, the possibility of joining the next Euro Cup hung on the ability of the Netherlands to beat the Czech Republic AND Turkey loosing to Iceland. Neither of these was possible…
Refugees in the Netherlands Posted by Karoly Molina on Oct 14, 2015
If you follow the news in Europe, I am sure you have read about the recent vluchtelingen crisis. Thousands of people from Syria, Somalia, Libya and other war-torn areas are daring the dangerous journey to Europe in the hopes to escape the crisis back home. The obstacles the vluchtelingen must overcome before even making to any European country…