Dutch Language Blog

Open Tuinen Dagen – Step Into a Garden Posted by on May 24, 2011 in Dutch Vocabulary

Have you ever walked down one of the tree lined streets in Amsterdam and wondered what exists behind the 16th and 17th century canal houses?  Well, if you are free on the third weekend of June and happen to be in Amsterdam, then you might just have the chance to find out.  On the 17th, 18th and 19th of June, the Open Tuinen Dagen (Open Gardens Days) will be held.

This once a year event allows the public to step behind the normally closed doors of thirty properties – including private homes, offices and museums – and into the gardens of these properties.

Every year the event has a theme and this year is to be no different.  “Colour in the Canal Gardens” is the 2011 theme.  There is a €15 fee, which provides you access to all the gardens over the three days, a map and brief descriptions of each location.  The even better news is that the proceeds go towards a different horticultural project each year.  The money from the 2011 Open Tuinen Dagen will go towards the renovation of the rosarium in Vondelpark.

All the gardens are reachable by foot and will be open from 10am until 5pm over the three days.  The starting addresses are:

  • Bijbels Museum, Herengracht 366-368
  • Huis Marseille, Keizersgracht 401
  • Museum Van Loon, Keizersgracht 672
  • Museum Willet-Holthuysen, Herengracht 605

Important information as provided by the Open Tuinen Dagen website:

  • There is no need to make reservations. Tickets when available can be purchased at selected gardens e.g the Museum Van Loon, Keizersgracht 672. If you would rather purchase tickets in advance you can buy a voucher online at I Amsterdam.
  • A list of the participating gardens will be published as soon as the passe-partout becomes available.
  • Your pass-partout grants you access to all the participating gardens and is valid for 3 days. A passe partout costs €15
  • All gardens can be reached by foot.
  • The revenues are designated to the Canal Garden Fund.

Some Vocabulary to Help You With Your Visit

  • vogels (birds)
  • bloemen (flowers)
  • de boom (tree)
  • de hark (rake)
  • de heg (hedge)
  • het onkruid (weeds)
  • de moestuin or de groententuin (vegetable garden)
  • de schep (shovel)
  • de schuur (shed)
  • de slak (snail)
  • de struik (bush)
  • het gras (grass)



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