Tag Archives: beach
A Beach Celebrates Itself: Scheveningen is 200 years old! Posted by Sten on Aug 6, 2018

Something special is going on this zomer (summer): It is ongelooflijk heet (incredibly hot)! So everybody wants just one, simple thing: Afkoeling! (cooling down!). The Dutch search it in the cool water of the Noordzee (North Sea), and many at the strand van Scheveningen (beach of Scheveningen). Apart from the heat, something else is special: The Scheveningen beach turned 200 years old in 2018! Sinds 1818…
3 Things The Dutch Do On Sundays Posted by Sten on Feb 1, 2016
For many people, Sunday is a lazy day on which they have a lot of time. However, a lot of people don’t know what to do on that day. Below I listed 3 things that you can do in the Netherlands on a Sunday, with posts that can help you with it! Of course, you can…
Welkom heatwave! Posted by Karoly Molina on Jul 1, 2015
Although the beginning of summer was cool and rainy, this week marks the first real hittegolf in the Netherlands! Today is the warmest July 1st since 1901! Temperatures are above 30 degrees Celsius (90 degrees Fahrenheit) and there is no sight of rain for the next week…which makes me VERY happy! Although the Netherlands isn’t the…
Dutch Beaches and the North Sea Posted by Karoly Molina on Jun 18, 2015
My mom came to visit and we did our fare share of traveling within the Netherlands, Belgium and a tiny bit of Germany. I was glad that my mom was able to have a true Dutch experience in regards to weather…it was unpredictable and ever changing! She arrived with wind, rain and cold temperatures and…