Dutch Language Blog

Tag Archives: Brabant

Caterpillar Infestation in the Netherlands Posted by on Jun 19, 2019

I came across a very peculiar news article titled “Gezin ontvlucht huis voor processierups: ‘Mijn zoontje schreeuwde het uit van pijn‘” and I was surprised! I would have never imagined that caterpillars would cause so much damage that a family would feel it necessary to flee! Eikenprocessierupsen I must admit that I had never heard of…

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What to do in this year’s Carnival Posted by on Feb 3, 2016

It’s that time of the year when the people from Limburg and Brabant get together to enjoy a time to drink, be jolly and be crazy…carnaval! If you are in the area or are interested in some of the events, here are just a few of the many events in cities and towns throughout the…

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