Tag Archives: comparison
What is the difference between Kennen and Weten? Posted by Sten on Jan 24, 2019

Kennen and weten are two Dutch verbs that look different, but translated to English mean exactly the same: “to know”. So what is the difference? When do you use kennen? And when do you use weten? Weten Weten seems to refer to actually having researched knowledge, made observations about a certain topic – like a scientist that weet something. In fact, science is…
Trappen van Vergelijking – What’s The Tallest Tower? Posted by Sten on Dec 19, 2016
Big. Bigger. Biggest. Enthusiastic. More enthusiastic. Most enthusiastic. We all know these forms, these trappen van vergelijking (“stairs of comparison” – degrees of comparison). How do they look in Dutch? Find out here. The basics There are three degrees of comparison: positive (full, great, wide), comparative (fuller, greater, wider) and superlative (fullest, greatest, widest). Easy! This is…
Back to Basics: Comparing Posted by Karoly Molina on Apr 20, 2016
On a previous post, I wrote about the incorrect uses of als and how dan is the correct word to use when pointing out differences in a comparison. On this post, I would like to expand on comparisons and the correct words to use. dan The following song by Tim Immers is a good point to begin…