Dutch Language Blog

Tag Archives: Dutch vocabulary

Fun ways to learn new vocabulary Posted by on Jun 16, 2017

Learning vocabulary can be quite a task if you are not constantly using these words. I find particularly hard to learn onregelmatige werkwoorden or irregular verbs because well….they are irregular! However, with a little creativity and some old-fashioned studying, you can tackle the new words you want to learn. Below is a list of 5 useful ways…

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5 words and phrases for your everyday Dutch Posted by on Jun 14, 2017

A few months ago, I read a blog post on the Transparent Language Blog about being complimented when speaking a target language. Like Itchy Feet, I have mixed feelings when it comes to compliments because, while I appreciate the recognition of the effort that it takes to live in a foreign language 24/7, my ultimate…

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Puppy 101 Posted by on Jan 25, 2017

After months of searching and searching, we are finally parents of a beautiful Welsh Cardigan Corgi! The road to puppy-parenthood has been somewhat different in the Netherlands, but we are happily getting by. Our puppy’s name is Lisa and she is very energetic! The last few weeks have been devoted to potty training, registering her…

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How muscular is your Dutch? Posted by on Dec 28, 2016

Those of us that are constant participants in exercise classes in the Netherlands and Belgium finish each class with not only a more fit body (or at least a lot of sweat), but also new Dutch words! Sometimes we understand what the instructor meant, but other times, we walk out hoping the word will stay…

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A Few Dutch Words You Can’t Go Without Posted by on Sep 19, 2016

Who doesn’t like travelling? I think we all do! And we all want to make a good impression on the natives. A good way to do that is by speaking some of their words! If you are a beginner in Dutch, and you just want to have some short, but important words, then look no…

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Dutch Gardens Part 4- Insects Posted by on Jul 28, 2016

Continuing the July theme of gardening, this post deals with the pesky and not so fun part of gardening: insects and pests! Insects are an important part of a garden (and nature), but too much of any is a bad idea. Bijen I think I have mentioned these little guys on every gardening post, probably…

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Can You Say This Correctly? – 5: Fair Trade Basmatirijst – How to pronounce ij Posted by on Jun 14, 2016

One of the hardest things about learning Dutch is pronunciation. Whether it is about the ui-klank (the “ui” sound), the G-klank (the “G” sound) or other sounds you might have a hard time with. This series, called “Can You Say This Correctly?”, is about providing a speech example that I recorded. I will give the Dutch text, a translation…

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