Dutch Language Blog

Tag Archives: flevoland

Reinforcing the Houtribdijk in the Netherlands Posted by on Jul 29, 2020

One of the many wonders of the Netherlands is the intricate system of dikes that protect the country from flooding. The dikes or dijken have also worked as a way to to create more space in this relatively small country. In this post, I want to talk about one particular dike, the Houtribdijk, and the…

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The Dutch Province Flevoland – A Peculiar Story Posted by on Oct 20, 2015

The province of Flevoland has not always existed. Not only in its name and demarcation – no, the actual land did not exist. It came into existence as the last of the twelve Dutch provincies. The northern Noordoostpolder (the top red part of the province in the map below) was added to the already existing land. The lower two parts…

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