Tag Archives: prepositions
Er en daar: The (not so) confusing Dutch versions of “there” Posted by Sten on Aug 27, 2021

Like many other languages, Dutch has a differentiation between er and daar, which in English both translate to “there”. So what is that difference, how can you keep them apart, and what do you use when? “There” is the culprit Like the English word “some”, which has quite a range of translations in Dutch, “there” seems to be the reason…
Why the Dutch sit on and behind computers Posted by Sten on Jun 18, 2021

Yep. You read that right. The Dutch sit on their computers. And behind them. But in front of them? Sometimes. What’s going on? Little hint: It’s prepositions. Weak hint, sorry… But let’s dive in! Sitting behind or in front of the computer? Here’s the linguistic mystery. Some Dutch say: Ik zit op de computer (I sit…
Dutch Prepositions of Time Posted by heather on Mar 22, 2011
Today we are going to look at prepositions related to time. Prepositions link nouns, pronouns and phrases to other words in a sentence. For example: The book is on the table. The preposition on tells you where the book is located. It links the book with the table. Prepositions of time give you information about…