Tag Archives: School
Dutch Eindexamens – Time to Hang Up The Schoolbag Posted by Sten on Jun 12, 2019

Today is an important day for over 200.000 Dutch school kids. This afternoon, they will hear whether they have geslaagd (graduated) or not – a big deal! It is accompanied by an interesting tradition… Hang de tas maar uit! It is traditional in the Netherlands to hang up your schooltas (school bag) if you graduated. There has…
When Do You Go To School in the Netherlands? Posted by Sten on Sep 4, 2018

It is the beginning of september: The summer is nearing its end, temperatures fall, days get shorter… And it is time to go back to school! But for everyone? No. Or, not yet… How does it work in the Netherlands, when do kids start going to school? Let’s find out. We have written about the…
Untranslatable Dutch Words: de Zesjescultuur Posted by Sten on Oct 12, 2016
Zesjescultuur. Literally “little sixes culture”. What in the world is that? Do little sixes live in the Netherlands? Is there some tribe called “Six”? No, no, no, it all has to do with a hotly debated topic in Dutch politics and schools. Click here for more untranslatable words The Dutch grading system Dutch schools grade…