Tag Archives: verkiezingen
Big Surprises In The Dutch Provinciale Statenverkiezingen Posted by Sten on Mar 25, 2019

Last Wednesday, thousands of stemgerechtigden (voters) flocked to the hundreds of stemlokalen (polling stations) all over the country to cast their stem (vote). Or, perhaps, the plural stemmen is more apt, as the Dutch actually had two verkiezingen (elections)! One vote for the waterschapsverkiezingen (water board elections) and the other for the Provinciale Statenverkiezingen (Provincial States elections). Today, the official results will…
What are the Dutch Waterschappen? Posted by Sten on Feb 18, 2019

De Waterschappen. If you live in the Netherlands, you have undoubtedly heard of these institutions. But what exactly are they? What are their responsibilities? And why do the Dutch get to vote for their waterschappen in an election alongside the provincial elections? De taak van een waterschap So, first of all – what is a waterschap? A waterschap (literally “watership”…
European Elections! Posted by Sten on May 22, 2014
Europese verkiezingen (European Elections) always have a lower turnout than national elections. That is not different in the Netherlands. Here, people have the opportunity to vote today for the new European Parliament. They vote for national and local parties, that will then represent them in the European Parliament in the European parties. This year, the new Commission President…
An important day in the Netherlands – time to go vote! Posted by Sten on Mar 19, 2014
Today, March 19, the gemeenteraadsverkiezingen (municipal, or local elections) are held in the Netherlands. They are more important than ever this year, because the gemeenten(municipalities) have more competencies than ever. For example, now they also take on the gezondheidszorg (health care), which is a big issue for the Dutch. However, the kiezersopkomst (voter turn-out) is likely to…