An Average Joe Posted by Gabriele on Jan 30, 2012 in Culture, English Language, News
“Average Joe” is an expression used in English to describe an average, typical, or normal American male. The expression “Average Jane” is sometimes used to describe the hypothetically average or normal American woman. We have other terms used to describe someone as average, normal, and like everybody else as well, for example: “Ordinary Joe”, “Joe Sixpack”, “Joe Shmoe.” It certainly seems from these expressions that we here in America think of the average person as having the name Joe! But who really is the average or normal American? That is a really hard question to answer!
There is so much variety among Americans, in so many ways; differences in ethnicity, religion, physical attributes, employment, income, family size, interests, etc. There is just too much diversity for there to really be an average or typical American. According to statistics though, “the average American” is likely to be in the middle or working class. Overall, the average American 25 years old or older, makes around $32,000 a year; does not have a college degree; has been, or will be married as well as divorced at least once in his or her lifetime; has 2 children; and lives in a suburban setting. According to the author Kevin O’Keefe, who wrote a book called The Average American, the following information is also true about the average American.
The average American:
• Eats peanut butter at least once a week
• Lives within a 20-minute drive of a Wal-Mart
• Eats at McDonald’s at least once a year
• Takes a shower for approximately 10.4 minutes a day
• Lives in a house, not an apartment or condominium
• Is between 5 feet and 6 feet tall
• Weighs 135 to 205 pounds
• Is between the ages of 18 and 53
• Grew up within 50 miles of his or her current home
But, of course, this is not the whole picture, even though it is interesting information to think about, this information is just not true for all Americans. Here are some other statistics that help give a clearer idea of some American demographics.
64% of Americans are White/Caucasian
16% of Americans are Hispanic or Latino
12 % of Americans are Black or African-American
5 % of Americans are Asian
76% of Americans are Christian
1.5% of Americans are Jewish
0.5% of Americans are Muslim
13% of the United States population was foreign-born
So, in the end I can’t tell you who the average American really is or what he or she actually looks like. One thing I can tell you though is that Joe is not the most common American name, even if it is average. The most common name among all living American males is James and Mary is the most common female name. So, perhaps we should have been saying “Average James” or “Average Mary” all along.
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About the Author: Gabriele
Hi there! I am one of Transparent Language's ESL bloggers. I am a 32-year-old native English speaker who was born and raised in the United States. I am living in Washington, DC now, but I have lived all over the US and also spent many years living and working abroad. I started teaching English as a second language in 2005 after completing a Master's in Applied Linguists and a Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults' (CELTA). Since that time I have taught ESL in the United States at the community college and university level. I have also gone on to pursue my doctorate in psychology and now I also teach courses in psychology. I like to stay connected to ESL learners around the world through Transparent Languages ESL Blog. Please ask questions and leave comments on the blog and I will be sure to answer them.