Archive for 'English Vocabulary'
What are the odds? Posted by carol on Aug 2, 2022

Hi, everyone! August is rolling in, how has your year been so far? I hope the odds are in your favor! Today’s post will look into this fascinating word in the English and its many possibilities: odds. The ideia came to me when I was walking down the street the other day and I came across…
Can you match these sayings in English? Posted by carol on Jul 19, 2022

Hi to everyone! Every language and culture have their own sayings or proverbs. They are common expressions dating back from ancient times whose origins no one can really pinpoint, but most speakers of a certain language have heard. Usually in a metaphorical style, sayings describe situations or express general truths that are part of our…
Talking inflation – Part II Posted by carol on Jul 5, 2022

Greetings, dear readers! How is everybody doing? Our previous post outlines a few terms and phrases that are being used to address the inflation that has been hitting us hard and is the reason of much distress and economic recession worldwide. Now for the second part of our text, we are going to have a…
Who wants to talk inflation? Posted by carol on Jun 21, 2022

Hey everyone, how is it hanging? June is drawing to a close, but the 2022 financial crisis seems to have no end in sight. Due a number of circumstances, it is unlikely that we’ll be getting good news anytime soon. Yes, inflation is now the hot topic on everyone’s lips. Since it has affected all…
When should you use indirect questions? Posted by carol on Jun 7, 2022

Hey, everyone! I wonder how you’ve been doing. Too formal? Well, that’s because I just used an indirect question! And yes, they are supposed to be more formal than a direct question because you use them in certain situations. I notice that my students, as non-native English speakers, are more concerned about trying to express…
It’s that time of the year again! Posted by carol on May 24, 2022

Greetings, dear readers. If you are currently in the Northern Hemisphere, chances are that you are now enjoying the clear skies, warmer days and blooming flowers all around (unless, of course, that also means that your pollen allergy is flaring up). A couple of years ago we talked about the timeless tradition of spring cleaning. Where…
Get past or get behind? Posted by carol on May 10, 2022

Hello, dear readers! How have you been getting by? A lot has been said about the ever-present verb get in the English language. Truth be told, get is one of those words with endless possibilities that can simply fit into multiple situations. But doesn’t that just get on your nerves sometimes? In those cases, I…