Yoda speak Posted by Gabriele on Apr 10, 2014
My last post was about aliens in general, and today I have a post about one alien in particular, Yoda, a short green pointy-eared alien who is from the ‘Star Wars’ movies. Here is a picture of Yoda, with a quote of his, in case you don’t know who I am talking about. Yoda has…
English words from another world! Posted by Gabriele on Apr 8, 2014
Whether you believe in life on other planets or not, today’s vocabulary is going to help you talk about this subject, understand movies about outer space, or read a science fiction story. So, let’s take a look at some “out of this world” vocabulary: science fiction (n) – this is make believe scientific ideas…
Rip Van Winkle an American folktale Posted by Gabriele on Apr 3, 2014
Today I have an American folktale (or story) for you about a man with a funny name, Rip Van Winkle. The story of Rip Van Winkle is a famous short story from when America was just a new country. It was written by the American author Washington Irving and was first published in 1819, but…
Canyonlands National Park Posted by sasha on Mar 30, 2014
Name: Canyonlands National Park Year Established: 1964 Location: Southeastern Utah Season: Open year-round, 24 hours a day. Each district has its own visitor center with operating hours that change with the season. Cost: Motorcycles, bicycles and walk-ins $5; Vehicles $10 Accommodation: There are campsites inside the park and the nearby town of Moab has several hotels. Brief Description: Canyonlands is…
Roald Dahl: A British writer with a great imagination Posted by Gabriele on Mar 27, 2014
Chances are you have seen a movie or read a book by Roald Dahl before. He is a famous British writer who has influenced the childhoods of children around the world. Roald Dahl lived from 1916 to 1990 and in that time wrote 25 books. He wasn’t just a writer though, during his life he…
Death, dying, and condolences Posted by Gabriele on Mar 25, 2014
Death is a part of life, but not one we talk about very much. It is important to be able to know what to say to a person when someone close to them has died, which is why we are going to look at this topic today. In this post I’ll review vocabulary related to…
Ordering meat: I’ll take mine “medium rare” (Video) Posted by Gabriele on Mar 20, 2014
Here is another video intended to help you order food and get it the way you want it! This video is about ordering meat, using English terminology. Enjoy!