Tag Archives: American politics
English Words in the News: Election Edition Posted by Gary Locke on Oct 22, 2020

Americans right now are thinking about the national election on November 3rd, and probably more than they would like to admit. Because of COVID, many of us aren’t leaving home, so we have little choice but to pay attention to the races in our states and across the country. Television ads and news programs all…
English Words in the News: Primary Posted by Gary Locke on Feb 6, 2020

I live in New Hampshire, which means that every four years, media from all over the world stumble over each other in an effort to learn what my neighbors are thinking about. This is not an exaggeration. I was once interviewed on Danish television! The reason for this quadrennial (meaning every four years) fascination with…
English Words in the News: Caucus Posted by Gary Locke on Jan 23, 2020

Every four years the United States begins its national presidential election with the Iowa caucuses. This is followed by the New Hampshire primary. Soon, in rapid succession, many more states conduct their voting. By May we usually know who the presidential candidates in the two major parties will be. What’s important is that there are…