Tag Archives: greetings
Casual Greetings in English Posted by Gary Locke on Aug 1, 2019

We are all familiar with the standard, more formal expressions upon meeting someone. Hello Hi, it’s nice to meet you. Good morning/afternoon/evening. I’m pleased to meet you. However, what do you say when you know someone well but you’re seeing them for the first time after a day or so? I pass coworkers in the…
Hello in English Posted by Gabriele on May 21, 2013
When you first greet someone in English you can say ‘hello’ or you could spice up your greeting with a number of other ways of saying ‘hi.’ This post is all about different ways you can say ‘hello’ in English. To start let’s look at one of my favorite ways for saying ‘hello,’ which was…
Party talk (Video) Posted by Gabriele on Dec 20, 2012
Get ready to party! Here is a video looking at common English greetings used in informal party settings. These greetings particularly come in handy around this time of year when attending a lot of holiday parties. Enjoy.
Goodnight or Good Evening? Posted by Gabriele on Apr 17, 2012
I was recently walking down the street around 7:00pm and a non-native English speaker said to me “Goodnight.” I replied back to him, “good evening.” This started me thinking about the important difference between the use of these two phrases “goodnight*” and “good evening” in English. It is important to know what each means…