Tag Archives: -ology
English Ologies, Ographies, and Onomies Posted by Gary Locke on Jul 20, 2017

In English, you will find many words with the same suffix, or word ending. Three of the most common suffixes sound somewhat alike, and are often confused with each other. Here’s how to tell them apart, and some of the most common examples of each. Ology Ology is a real word, a noun taken from…
What is an –ology? Posted by Gabriele on Feb 20, 2012
Yesterday I discussed the suffix –ism and a number of different nouns that end with this suffix. A similar, but not identical, suffix is –ology. So, what is an –ology? The suffix –ology is added to a noun to denote that this is a subject of study or a branch of knowledge. Most words that…