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Tag Archives: Top of the Rock

A Short Visit to the Big Apple (Part One) Posted by on Nov 16, 2017

A Short Visit to the Big Apple (Part One)

New York City is without a doubt the most famous city in the USA and the most popular for tourists. The Big Apple receives over 60 million tourists every year, who come to see the sights and soak up the culture. In such a big city with so much to do, it’s best if you…

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48 Hours in New York City (Part One) Posted by on Oct 23, 2017

48 Hours in New York City (Part One)

People from New York City often claim it’s the “greatest city in the world.” It’s certainly one of the most famous, as well as one of the most popular for visitors to the US. What can you do with 48 hours in New York City? Let’s find out! Stroll through Central Park, catch a show…

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Great American Cities – New York Posted by on Dec 24, 2014

From the capital of Washington, D.C., we now head to what is perhaps the most famous city in all of the United States – New York. Name: In 1664, when the Dutch surrendered the area to the English, the city was named New York after the Duke of York. It is officially named New York…

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