Esperanto Language Blog

We now have tags! Posted by on Aug 2, 2009 in Esperanto Language


I have recently been informed that Transparent Language’s blog client allows us to place tags on posts, in order to help with the organization of entries by topic. As you may have noticed, the more recent entries now have tags on them. By the middle of the week, I should have taxonomized all the remaining posts, so that you can easily browse them based upon whatever category you prefer.

So far, the topics include criticism, literature, humor, vocabulary, teaching, history, discussion, and culture.  There are also a few announcements thrown in there. If you think there are any other categories I should consider, please leave a comment! I’ll tag what I can, when I can.

Thank you, and may you continue to enjoy Transparent Language’s Esperanto Blog!

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Transparent Language is a leading provider of best-practice language learning software for consumers, government agencies, educational institutions, and businesses. We want everyone to love learning language as much as we do, so we provide a large offering of free resources and social media communities to help you do just that!


  1. SuperKali:

    Hej, I tried everywhere to open a topic, is it possible to be open for a guest?

    My topic was this, you can also open for me:

    Esperanto has two words for the English “you”:
    – “vi”, normally translate like the modern English you, but that in origin was only for the plural
    – “ci”, often considered an arcaicism, meaning you singular (thou)

    It is to be said, that “ci” is not taught to new learners, so it is not that they choose to don’t say it, they just don’t know it (often).
    Using “ci” would be the best choice, example, i send an SMS to a friend, I know her and her flatmates, but i want to invite all. If i write:

    Mi invitas vin. — she would not know who i invited… just her?

    if both ci and vi would be used:
    Mi invitas cin. = I invite you (and not your flatmates)
    Mi invitas vin. = I invite you (all)

    The example is true, this really happen to me in occasion of my birthday, when in my SIM card i had money for one sms and I wrote: “Mi invitas vin al …” meaning a whole flat, but the answer was “I cannot come” … so i had to buy more credit to send SMS for each person 😐

    What would people think, would be possible to re-wake up the “ci” word?