Archive for April, 2016
10 Items You Can Buy in France But Not in the USA Posted by Josh Dougherty on Apr 28, 2016
Going for a long stay abroad is both exciting and scary. When you get there, you quickly learn that the language skills you’ve mastered in the classroom aren’t exactly used that way in real life. You’ll run into accents you have hard time understanding and new expressions you don’t know. But it isn’t just a…
Saint-John Perse – French Poetry Posted by John Bauer on Apr 28, 2016
I interviewed mon ami (my friend) as a part of the Real French Series, and I wanted to get him to share de la culture française (some French culture) as a part of the interview. I asked him to recite une poème (a poem), and he was happy to share one! I had never heard…
Because you can’t always have Paris in the springtime . . . Posted by Tim Hildreth on Apr 26, 2016
It’s no secret that Paris is my favorite city. If I could, I would go there every year. Unfortunately, it’s all the way on the other side of the ocean! And with a limited budget (and limited American-style vacations!), I have to content myself with a trip every few years. Fortunately I live within driving…
Ancient France: La Forêt de Brocéliande Posted by Elizabeth Schmermund on Apr 25, 2016
Brocéliande is a mythical forest that first appeared in chivalric tales in the twelfth century, most notably legends featuring King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. (King Arthur is a mythic early sixth century king and scholars still debate over whether or not he actually existed, although it is likely he was based…
Thumbs Up! Counting with Your Fingers in France Posted by Josh Dougherty on Apr 21, 2016
It’s no secret that counting in French for beginners comes with some difficulty. Even after years of practice, your natural reaction may be to think of the numbers in your native language. That’s how it’s been for me, anyway, and it’s been over 14 years. If a number comes up while I’m speaking in…
Finding My Proof Of Memorization In French Posted by John Bauer on Apr 20, 2016
L’autre jour (the other day) I needed an important insurance document. One of my professeurs sent an email telling me what I needed, and as with many important documents it had a long and complicated name. Une attestation personnelle d’assurance de responsabilité civile A personal proof of civil liability insurance Before I left mon appartement…
Living in a Box Posted by Tim Hildreth on Apr 19, 2016
Ok, I’ve never actually lived in a box, but I have spent my fair share of time in one. You see, the French term for a night club or disco is “boîte de nuit” … and “boîte” is the French word for “box”! And even though I was only 16 when I first went to…