French Language Blog

Archive for November, 2017

Christmas Is Ruined In Paris? – The Christmas Market At Les Champs Élysées Posted by on Nov 15, 2017

It may be a little early for some people to start talking about Christmas and the holidays, but the cold weather has thoughts of le vin chaud et le papa Noël (mulled wine and Santa Claus) already in people’s head. As everyone starts getting ready for the holidays there is a surprisingly missing fixture this…

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Reading Signs in French Posted by on Nov 14, 2017

A very important skill for traveling abroad is reading signs. This is as true in France as it is in any country. Reading the local signs isn’t generally a matter de vie ou de mort (of life or death), but sometimes it can mean the difference between privacy … and, well, wet shoes. I love…

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Le Prix Goncourt des Lycéens Posted by on Nov 13, 2017

Last week, you read about the famous French literary prize Le Prix Goncourt and its winner for 2017: Eric Vuillard for L’Ordre du jour. But that’s not the only Prix Goncourt that was recently awarded. In fact, there’s another, prestigious Goncourt prize, whose finalists were just revealed today. Le Prix Goncourt des Lycéens is often…

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Check out “Dommage” by Rap Duo Bigflo & Oli! Posted by on Nov 12, 2017

Lacking motivation? Let this song give you a glimpse into what could be if you don’t just get up and do it! And these two brothers know what it means to find the drive to follow your passion. Raised in la ville rose (the pink city — Toulouse) to an Argentinianfather and a Franco-Algerian mother…

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Little Red Chaperon Rouge – Fairy Tale French Posted by on Nov 8, 2017

When I was looking up the origin of the French expression, être connu comme le loup blanc (to be known like the white wolf), I was reminded of the most famous story I know that features un loup: Le Petit Chaperon rouge (Little Red Riding Hood). That made me curious about les contes de fées…

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Le Prix Goncourt 2017 Posted by on Nov 6, 2017

Some of you may already have heard of le prix Goncourt—the most important literary award bestowed to authors writing in French. This prestigious literary award was created in 1892, in the will of author Edmund de Goncourt. Since then, the award has been given in the beginning of November of every year, making it the…

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A Household White Wolf – Idioms In French Posted by on Nov 1, 2017

When I learned Joe Dassin is a household name, I wanted to use an equivalent French expression in the article. What I found surprised me with how imaginative it is to English speakers: to be known like the white wolf. Les expressions (the expressions) we use every day can be hard to translate because of…

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