Check out “Dommage” by Rap Duo Bigflo & Oli! Posted by Josh Dougherty on Nov 12, 2017 in Music, Vocabulary
Lacking motivation? Let this song give you a glimpse into what could be if you don’t just get up and do it!
And these two brothers know what it means to find the drive to follow your passion. Raised in la ville rose (the pink city — Toulouse) to an Argentinianfather and a Franco-Algerian mother, Florian (Bigflo) and Olivio (Oli) grew up surrounded by music. Their mother was a big fan of French music (particularly Jacques Brel and Charles Aznavour), and their father was a salsa singer. When they got a little older, Olivio studied the trumpet and Florian studied drums at conservatory in Toulouse.
In 2000 after hearing J’voulais by Sully Sefil on the radio, the pair decided to start rapping at home. >>Check out this early music video of the duo in 2006.<< They’d been writing poetry throughout their childhood and received personalized courses through a teacher at school, and it’s because of this that the two began to appreciate the power of words. This understanding would prove beneficial for them as songwriters.
Unlike many rappers today, Bigflo & Oli don’t focus on the clichés – there’s nothing about fast cars or fast women. These two focus on real life issues from the point of view of a observer (c’est-à-dire [that is to say] that they don’t tell it from their perspective, but from an outsider’s view offering suggestions).
The two released their first EP, Le trac, in 2014. La cour des grands followed in 2016, and La vraie vie was released this year. From these recordings, the last 2 albums have charted in second and first place respectively. Of their 13 singles, “Dommage,” is the only to make it in the top 10 in France.
“Dommage” focuses on what could happen if you don’t follow your instincts go follow your dreams.
Louis prend son bus, comme tous les matins
Louis takes the bus every morning
Il croisait cette même fille avec son doux parfum
He sees the same girl with her sweet perfume
Qu’elle vienne lui parler, il espère tous les jours
Every day, he hopes she’ll come talk to him
Ce qu’il ressent au fond d’lui, c’est ce qu’on appelle l’amour
What he feels deep inside is what we call love
Mais Louis, il est timide
But Louis is shy
Et elle, elle est si belle
And her? She’s so beautiful
Il ne veut pas y aller, il est collé au fond d’son siège
He doesn’t want to go; he’s stuck to his seat
Une fois elle lui a souri quand elle est descendue
Once, she smiled at him when she was getting off
Et depuis ce jour là, il ne la jamais revue
And since that day, he’s never seen her again
[Bigflo & Oli]
Ah il aurait dû y aller, il aurait dû le faire
He should have gone there, he should have done it
Believe me
On a tous dit : Ah c’est dommage, ah c’est dommage, c’est peut-être la dernière fois
We’ve all said: Ah, that’s too bad! It might be the last time.
Yasmine a une belle voix, elle sait qu’elle est douée
Yasmine has a beautiful voice. She knows she’s gifted
Dans la tempête de sa vie, la musique est sa bouée
In the storm of her life, music is her buoy
Face à ses mélodies, le monde est à ses pieds
Faced with her melodies, the world revolved around her
Mais son père lui répétait, ‘trouve-toi un vrai métier’
But her father kept telling her, “Find a real job.”
Parfois elle s’imagine sous la lumière des projecteurs
Sometimes she imagines herself in the spotlight
Sur la scène à recevoir les compliments et les jets de fleurs
On stage, receiving compliments and flowers
Mais Yasmine est rouillée, coincée dans la routine
But Yasmine is rusty, trapped in her routine
Ça lui arrive de chanter quand elle travaille à l’usine
She sings when she’s working in the factory
[Bigflo & Oli]
Ah elle aurait dû y aller, elle aurait dû le faire
Ah, she should have gone, she should have done it.
Believe me
On a tous dit : Ah c’est dommage, ah c’est dommage, c’est peut-être la dernière fois
We all said, “Ah, that’s too bad! It might be the last time.”
Ah elle aurait dû y aller, elle aurait dû le faire
She should have gone, she should have done it.
Believe me
On a tous dit : Ah c’est dommage, ah c’est dommage, c’est peut-être la dernière fois
We all said, “Ah, that’s too bad! It might be the last time.”
Diego est affalé au fond du canapé
Diego is sprawled out on the couch
Il engueule son petit frère quand il passe devant la télé
He yells at his little brother when he passes in front of the TV
Ses amis sont sortis, il ne les a pas suivi
His friends went out, but he didn’t follow them
Comme souvent seule la lune viendra lui tenir compagnie
As he’s often alone, the moon will come keep him company
Diego est triste il ne veut rien faire de sa nuit
Diego is sad. He doesn’t want to do anything with his time at night
Il déprime de ne pas trouver la femme de sa vie
It depresses him to night have found the woman of his dreams
Mais mon pauvre Diego, tu t’es tellement trompé
But my poor Diego, you’re so wrong
C’était à cette soirée que tu allais la rencontrer
It was at this party that you were going to meet her
[Bigflo & Oli]
Ah il aurait dû y aller, il aurait dû le faire
Ah, he should have gone. Ah, he should have done it
Believe me
On a tous dit : Ah c’est dommage, ah c’est dommage, c’est peut-être la dernière fois
We’ve all said, “Ah, it’s too bad! This could be the last time.
Pauline elle est discrète, elle oublie qu’elle est belle
Pauline is discreet. She forgets she’s beautiful
Elle a sur tout le corps des tâches de la couleur du ciel
All over her body she has stains the color of the sky
Son mari rentre bientôt, elle veut même pas y penser
Her husband will be home soon. She doesn’t want to think about it.
Quand il lui prend le bras, c’est pas pour la faire danser
When he takes her by the arm, it’s not for dancing
Elle repense à la mairie, cette décision qu’elle a prise
She thinks back to city hall and the decision she made
À cet après midi où elle avait fait sa valise
On this afternoon that she’d packed her bags
Elle avait un avenir, un fils à élever
She has a future, a son to raise
Après la dernière danse, elle s’est pas relevée
After the last dance, she didn’t get up
[Bigflo & Oli]
Ah elle aurait dû y aller, elle aurait dû le faire
She should have gone, she should have done it
Believe me
On a tous dit : Ah c’est dommage, ah c’est dommage, c’est peut-être la dernière fois
We’ve all said, “Ah, that’s too bad. This could have been the last time.
On a tous dit : Ah c’est dommage, ah c’est dommage, ah c’est dommage, ah c’est dommage x2
We’ve all said, “Ah, it’s too bad, it’s too bad…”
[Bigflo & Oli]
Ah elle aurait dû y aller, elle aurait dû le faire
She should have gone, she should have done it
Beieve me
On a tous dit : Ah c’est dommage, ah c’est dommage, c’est peut-être la dernière fois
We’ve all said, “Ah, that’s too bad. This could have been the last time.
Ah elle aurait dû y aller, elle aurait dû le faire
She should have gone, she should have done it.
Believe me
On a tous dit : Ah c’est dommage, ah c’est dommage, c’est peut-être la dernière fois
We’ve all said, “Ah, that’s too bad. This could have been the last minute.”
[Bigflo & Oli]
Vaut mieux vivre avec des remords qu’avec des regrets x3
It’s better to live with remorse than with regrets
Vaut mieux vivre avec des remords c’est ça le secret
It’s better to live with remorse, that’s the secret

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