Archive by Author
Le Kangourou Nomade Posted by Hichem on Jul 27, 2012
To the question of what you should do on a Summer Saturday night, today’s featured French group has an original answer: Kick all the dark thoughts off your mind and do like “Le Kangourou Nomade“: Just JUMP! As promised before, here is the music video of “Kangourou Nomade” by N & SK, together with its…
Belgians Celebrate National Holiday Posted by Hichem on Jul 22, 2012
Last Saturday, July 21st, Belgians of all stripers celebrated their Fête nationale (national holiday) An occasion for us to salute Belgium here on the Transparent French Blog! A few years ago, Yves Leterme, ex-Prime Minister of La Belgique (Belgium) was asked by a journalist, “à l’improviste” (unexpectedly), if he knew the lyrics of l’hymne national (national…
South France “Jumps” into Chaos After Kangaroos Escape! Posted by Hichem on Jul 21, 2012
This is no joke mes amis: The story is definitely TRUE and worth telling… Three years ago, a French group of animal lovers (called something like the “C.L.I.K.”, or the “Coalition for the Liberation of Imprisoned Kangaroos”, probably not classified by NATO as a terrorist organization, just yet) has set loose some fifteen kangaroos in the…
The French Golden Lines Posted by Hichem on Jul 20, 2012
Considered by some as le père spirituel (the spiritual father) of Victor Hugo, French writer Gérard de Nerval is known to have been in the company of a rather “unusual” pet, always taking him wherever he went: It was un homard (a lobster) he called “Thibault”! In this poem, Gérard de Nerval refers to “les vers dorés”…
La Fontaine’s Fable: “Le Lièvre et la Tortue” (The Hare and the Tortoise) Posted by Hichem on Jul 11, 2012
This non-exclusively French fable is about one of the most famous running races that ever took place in the history of the world—and probably the most unlikely! Most bookmakers didn’t think twice before picking their winner, between the overconfident “fast and furious” lièvre (hare) and the “slow and steady” tortue (tortoise.) Le Lièvre et la Tortue (The Hare and the Tortoise) is…
Spider-Man is Real—And He is French! Posted by Hichem on Jul 9, 2012
If you thought that climbing the stairs everyday was tiresome, then please meet a (very real) superhero: Monsieur Alain Robert, aka “The French Spider-Man”! Although he suffers from le vertige (vertigo), Alain achieved global fame for climbing the world’s tallest buildings— with no safety whatsoever. To you, they may just seem like buildings. To him, however…
Smile My Friend! Le Meilleur est à Venir (The Best is Yet to Come) Posted by Hichem on Jul 8, 2012
From the Southern city of Toulouse hails the powerful sound of French Rock group SIDILARSEN. Their message is simple yet efficient: Standing up against all forms of haine (hatred) and xénophobie, while exposing the subtle “scare tactics” used to exert control over our human societies. Above all, they are very optimistic about life: For them…