Archive by Author
French Names for Young Animals Posted by Hichem on Jul 23, 2011
When l’abeille (the bee) was young, it was une larve When l’aigle (the eagle) was young, it was un aiglon When l’âne (the donkey) was young, it was un ânon When l’antilope was young, it was an antilopin When l’autruche (the ostrich) was young, it was an autruchon When la baleine (the whale) was young, it was a baleineau…
Paris-Plages: When The Beach Comes to Paris! Posted by Hichem on Jul 21, 2011
If you spent the past two weeks or so in Paris, you’ll know that le temps (the weather) did not exactly “spoil” the Parisians—Together with the millions of tourists who flocked into France to visit the French capital! But actually, since yesterday, the Paris weather has decided to take it easy for a bit. Much…
Dude, Don’t be Subdued by The French Subjonctif! Posted by Hichem on Jul 20, 2011
Yes, nearly everyone agrees: Le subjonctif, or the French subjunctive mood, is not exactly “easy” to handle. Here’s something brief to clear up your mind about le subjonctif, to understand in general what it is (and what it is not): The first thing to know is that le subjonctif is un mode (a mood), not un…
French Conjugaison: Savez-vous Nager (Can You Swim)? Posted by Hichem on Jul 18, 2011
If you are lucky enough to have more free time in these journées d’été (Summer days), why not use it to brush up on your French grammar skills? Come to think of it, French conjugaison is not unlike la nage (swimming): It can be refreshing and fun, but one must be skillfull enough pour ne…
Summer Parisian Soirées Posted by Hichem on Jul 17, 2011
With the now-renown French music group “Louise Attaque“, les soirées Parisiennes (the Parisian nights) offer an experience that’s easily comparable to un vol (a flight) over a volcano! With “Louise Attaque“, a Summer night in Paris combines the Tuscan beauty of Siena with the enthralling magic of le Brésil (Brazil)… Louise Attaque: “Les Nuits Parisiennes“ Et j’vis…
French Texting Abbreviations: CEDEX, CGT, et Cie Posted by Hichem on Jul 12, 2011
After the “Texto/SMS” post of yesterday, many of you asked for more! French abréviations are virtually partout (everywhere): In les journaux (newspapers), les magazines, les films (movies), les conversations quotidiennes (daily conversations), including les SMS (text messages), which are hands-down le medium de communiction favorit de ladite “Génération Y” (the favorite communication medium of the so-called “Y Generation”), who prefer to send “des…
Still Lost in French (Texto/SMS) Translation? Posted by Hichem on Jul 11, 2011
To some people in France or French-speaking countries, text messaging has morphed into something of une langue en elle-même (a language in itself)! To make sure you are au courant (aware) of this emerging “texto/SMS” lingua, I have compiled for you a few “must-know” abbreviations that you’d be sure to see in a French text message, or…