French Language Blog

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Willy Wonka, meet Pierre Hermé Posted by on Jun 16, 2010

If “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory” had been set in France, it would have been about macarons. Colorful and creative, these petits gâteaux (cookies) sont une fantaisie en sucre, a sugary confection of des blancs d’œuf (egg whites), du poudre d’amande (almond flour) et de la crème ou de la confiture dedans (and cream…

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Une île secrète: A secret island Posted by on Jun 12, 2010

As Serge Gainsbourg would have said, to choose Brussels over Tunisia, faut être à moitie fou (you have to be half-crazy). Mais même si je le suis (but even if I am), I had une bonne raison to do it.  Brussels, at just over 100 euros aller-retour(round-trip) on the Eurostar, is vachement* moins cher (way cheaper)…

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Se baigner vs. se baigner Posted by on Jun 4, 2010

I was sitting dans un café (in a coffee shop) today, thinking “What on earth will le post d’aujourd’hui (today’s post) be about?” Je n’avais plus d’idées—I didn’t have any more ideas. But the hot, en sueur (sweaty) people walking by gave me my answer. Il fait hyper chaud à New York. It’s super hot…

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Voyage à Bruxelles! Posted by on Jun 2, 2010

À Paris, j’avais des vacances scolaires géniales (In Paris, I had amazing school vacations). We had deux semaines (two weeks) au printemps (in the spring), and I wanted to vraiment profiter (really profit from them).  I toyed around with lots of ideas, but more than anything, I wanted to go to la Tunisie—Tunisia. Mon copain…

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Carrie Bradshaw à Paris Posted by on May 27, 2010

D’abord, je pense que je suis aussi fan d’Hichem que vous!  I think I’m as much a fan of Hichem as you are! “Thé à la menthe”  is one of my favorite chansons (songs), et j’adore Vincent Cassel. Sa femme n’est pas mal non plus (his wife isn’t bad either)—vous connaissez Monica Bellucci ? Motivée par…

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Portable disasters Posted by on May 25, 2010

J’ai perdu mon portable ! I lost my cell phone ! I know, quel désastre. J’essayais des jean chez Levi’s (I was trying on jeans at Levi’s) et quand je suis sortie, je voulais appeler mon ami… et je fouillais dans mon sac et je n’ai rien trouvé ! (and when I left, I wanted to call my…

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How to Make French Crepes Posted by on May 21, 2010

Ce soir, j’ai fait des crêpes! (Tonight, I made crêpes !) C’était délicieux. J’aimerais vous donnez une recette (I’d like to give you a recipe) but it’s not the precise measurements that matter.  L’esprit de crêpe (that is a made-up expression) is more important than the crepes themselves! (There’s still a recipe here, quand même.)…

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