Archive for 'Idioms'
Get cozy Posted by Tim Hildreth on Feb 1, 2022

February may be the shortest month (thank goodness!) and meteorological spring might be just 28 days away, but with its cieux gris, neige, and froid, it can feel like the longest! For me, there is no better month to get cozy than février! Ça caille toujours … The weather hasn’t gotten any warmer since DjeuhDhoah…
So cold it’s hot Posted by Tim Hildreth on Jan 18, 2022

January is doing what January does. Days may be getting longer, but the holidays are behind us, le ciel est gris, et il fait froid. For those of you, like me, who are tired of the cold and grey, here’s a fun little virtual escape in the form of a song from. Ça caille ……
Josephine Baker bis Posted by Tim Hildreth on Nov 30, 2021

It’s finally here – the ceremony honoring Josephine Baker’s addition to Le Panthéon is today! Today is the day “La cérémonie [qui aura lieu à partir de 17h30] sera présidée par Emmanuel Macron, qui prononcera un discours lors de cet hommage que la famille de Joséphine Baker a souhaité “populaire et festif”.” Interestingly, Josephine Baker is…
Fallen for France Posted by Tim Hildreth on Sep 28, 2021

Once again, the calendar has turned towards l’automne. Days are getting cooler (and shorter!) and soon les feuilles vont commencer à tomber des arbres. Before we leave l’été completely behind though, let’s revisit one more great summer song. Fallen for France I’ve said it before, Étienne Daho’s Tombé pour la France is “the first French…
A word to the weather wise Posted by Tim Hildreth on May 4, 2021

While my musings tend to turn to France (with occasional detours north of the border!), French is a global language and la Francophonie has a global footprint. This week we’ll look at two examples that remind us of the richness of French in all its global grooviness. A world of language Spoken in une trentaine…