French Language Blog

Currencies in French Speaking Countries Posted by on Aug 18, 2009 in Culture

Now is not necessarily the time for Americans to visit France as the dollar is not at all strong against the Euro at the moment and; therefore, Americans have less spending power there than some years ago.  The Euro, also referred to as la monnaie unique in French, was put into circulation back in January 2002.  So far, it doesn’t seem that a good slang word or mot d’argot has been devised for this European currency like balle which was used for the French franc.  But, I have seen some proposals such as jeton and some of the French still talk about balles and pions, although one wonders if they are thinking in Euros or francs…
Belgium, Luxembourg and Monaco, where French is also a national language, use the Euro as well. However the other European French-speaking country, Switzerland, does not use the common currency.  The national currency of Switzerland is the Swiss franc.
Here is a list of French-speaking countries and their currencies:

Belgium le Royaume de Belgique l’Euro
Benin la République du Benin le franc CFA
Burkina Faso le Burkina Faso le franc CFA
Burundi le Burundi le franc burundais
Cameroon la République du Cameroun le franc CFA
Canada le Canada le dollar canadien
Central African Republic la République centrafricaine le franc CFA
Chad la République du Tchad le franc CFA
Comoros l’Union des Comores le franc comorien
Côte d’Ivoire la République de Côte d’Ivoire le franc CFA
Democratic Republic of the Congo la République démocratique du Congo le franc congolais
Djibouti la République de Djibouti le franc djiboutien
Equatorial Guinea la République de Guinée Équatoriale le franc CFA
France la République française l’Euro
Gabon la République Gabonaise le franc CFA
Guinea la République de Guinée le franc guinéen
Haiti la République d’Haïti la Gourde
Luxembourg le Grand-duché de Luxembourg l’Euro
Madagascar la République de Madagascar l’Ariary
Mali la République du Mali le franc CFA
Mauritania la République Islamique de Mauritanie l’Ouguiya
Mauritius la République de Maurice la Roupie mauricienne
Monaco la Principauté de Monaco l’Euro
Nigeria la République du Niger le franc CFA
Republic of the Congo la République du Congo le franc CFA
Rwanda la République du Rwanda le franc rwandais
Senegal la République du Sénégal le franc CFA
Seychelles la République des Seychelles la roupie seychelloise
Switzerland la Confédération suisse le franc suisse
Togo la République togolaise le franc CFA
Vanuatu la République de Vanuatu le vatu
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